This is a selection from the Oculus Series (in chronological order). The series consists of over a hundred 15 x 15 cm monoprints made with acrylic paint on a gel press. Some of the prints have an added collage piece (from an original print) and/or marks made with acrylic pen. They are an exploration on shape and colour. This is an almost daily practise I started in 2022. If you would like to see all of them, check out my Instagram or Facebook page (see links on the top right).
Oculus is Latin for eye. I chose this name because an early print resembled an eye and most prints in this series have an eye shape. Later prints are more like portals to a different world or universe or maybe just to the existing world outside.

Oculus IV

Oculus XVIII

Oculus XXIV

Oculus XXXII

Oculus XLII

Oculus XLVI

Oculus LX

Oculus LXII

Oculus LXIII

Oculus LXIX

Oculus LXX

Oculus LXXII

Oculus LXXIV




Oculus XCVII

Oculus C

Oculus CI

Oculus CII

Oculus CIII

Oculus CVII

Oculus CXI